Mining for (serial) gold on Google

When I'm using my gmail account, I find that I know keep an eye on the 'content-relavant' ads they post on the right side of my screen. If a link looks interesting, I'll 'open link in new tab', and look at them later. This way, I don't really interrupt the flow that I'm following now. Most of the links don't pan out, but sometimes I find gold, that really valuable site that I might not have found using keyword searches before. (I don't know why I don't find them at other times. I'll take lucky chances any day! :-)

Today's nugget was the Intro to Serial Communications page at TalTech.com. There is a lot in common with my Minor Scroll of Console Knowledge, but there are a few other tidbits there that I haven't put on my page. (I've already emailed the webmaster, asking if permission to link to their page. Netiquette first, of course.)

If you haven't tried gmail, you might want to, now that you don't need a referral. My acount was a test, to chat with a friend. It expanded to become an archive for console-related emails that I received on my other accounts, and the ads became more relavant. Now it's one of my main accounts. Thanks, Google!


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